
2024-09-27 7:36:35 体育 yezi16992


1. 如何询问路线和方向?


  • A: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest trailhead?
  • B: Sure, just follow this path for about 10 minutes, and you’ll see a sign pointing to the trailhead.
  • A: Thank you! Is it a difficult trail?
  • B: It’s moderate, but there are some steep sections. Make sure you have good hiking boots.

2. 如何表达身体不适?



  • A: I’m feeling a bit dizzy. Do you have any water?
  • B: Here, take this. Maybe you should sit down for a while.
  • A: Thanks. I think I might have overexerted myself.
  • B: It’s okay. Let’s take a break and see how you feel.

3. 如何询问天气情况?


  • A: What’s the weather forecast for today?
  • B: It’s supposed to be sunny with a high of 25°C. But there’s a chance of afternoon showers.
  • A: Should we bring rain gear just in case?
  • B: Yes, it’s better to be prepared.

4. 如何表达装备需求?


  • A: Do you have an extra flashlight? Mine seems to be out of batteries.
  • B: Yes, here you go. It’s always good to have a backup.
  • A: Thanks. I should have checked the batteries before we left.
  • B: No worries. It’s better to find out now than in the dark.

5. 如何询问食物和水源?


  • A: Do you have any snacks left? I’m feeling a bit hungry.
  • B: Sure, here are some energy bars. There’s also a stream nearby if you need water.
  • A: Thanks. I’ll refill my water bottle at the stream.
  • B: Good idea. It’s always better to drink fresh water from natural sources.

6. 如何表达紧急情况?


  • A: Help! I think I twisted my ankle.
  • B: Stay calm. Let’s sit down and assess the situation. Can you move it at all?
  • A: No, it hurts too much.
  • B: Okay, let’s call for help. Do you have a first aid kit?

7. 如何询问休息地点?


  • A: Is there a good place to take a break up ahead?
  • B: Yes, there’s a nice clearing about a mile ahead. We can rest there and have lunch.
  • A: Sounds good. I could use a break.
  • B: Me too. Let’s take it easy and enjoy the scenery.

8. 如何表达对自然环境的尊重?


  • A: Let’s make sure we leave no trace behind.
  • B: Absolutely. Let’s pack out all our trash and avoid disturbing the wildlife.
  • A: I agree. It’s important to preserve the natural beauty for future generations.
  • B: Exactly. Let’s set a good example for others.

